Cardiff in the Sun

It was a snow day in Cardiff and I’d been asked by Nick Flipside to talk to 6 Music. I wrapped myself up in a coat and scarf and trotted down the road. I got to Flipside Records.

“Nick! Waddya doin’ getting me out in this weather? Oh! Hello Gruff!” standing in front of me was Mr Super Furry Gruff Rhys. He was in the store with a 6 Music producer, one other of Flipside’s regulars, the other member of staff, Nick and his daughter. The interview was about Flipside, vinyl and the love of record shops. Gruff was a gentle and chilled out interviewer, and i made him chuckle a few times. I had thought before hand what I was going to say, and wanted to get across just why I love record stores and the sense of community you get. Dunno if I did, will have to wait till I hear the segment and what they pick from it. A gave a shout out to Spillers and D’vinyls along the way and reminisced about about my favourite times spent there.

After the interviews I spoke to Gruff about playing live with John Cale

Darren Floyd